Andre bøger af Mitri Raheb

Betlehem under belejring

betlehem under belejring lilleBetlehem under belejring - Fortællinger om håb i svære tider.
Boedal/Unitas, 2005.
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I am a Palestinian Christian

palestinian christian lilleI am a Palestinian Christian
Augsburg Fortress Publisher, 1995.
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The Invention of History

the invention of historiy lilleThe Invention of History
A Century of Interplay between Theology and Politics in Palestine.
Edited by Mitri Raheb
Diyar Publisher, Betlehem, 2011
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The Biblical Text in the Context of Occupation

The biblical text lilleThe Biblical Text in the Context of Occupation
Towards a new hermeneutics of liberation
Edited by Mitri Raheb
Diyar Publisher, Betlehem, 2012
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Sailing Through Troubled Waters

troubled waters lilleSailing Through Troubled Waters
Christianity in the Middle East
Diyar Publisher, Betlehem, 2013
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